Class Placeholder
Extends GraphObject. If a Placeholder is in the visual tree of a Group, it represents the area of all of the member Parts of that Group. If a Placeholder is in the visual tree of an Adornment, it represents the area of the Adornment.adornedObject. It can only be used in the visual tree of a Group node or an Adornment. There can be at most one Placeholder in a Group or an Adornment.
See the documentation for Group and Adornment for descriptions of the Placeholder roles in each.
Constructor Summary Details
Name | Description |
This normally does not need any initialization, except for maybe setting padding. |
Properties Summary Details
Name, Value Type | Description |
Gets or sets the padding around the members of the Group or around the Adornment.adornedObject GraphObject.More... The initial value is a Margin of zero on all sides. |
- Properties borrowed from class GraphObject:
- actionCancel, actionDown, actionMove, actionUp, actualBounds, alignment, alignmentFocus, angle, areaBackground, background, click, column, columnSpan, contextClick, contextMenu, cursor, Default, desiredSize, diagram, doubleClick, enabledChanged, Fill, fromEndSegmentLength, fromLinkable, fromLinkableDuplicates, fromLinkableSelfNode, fromMaxLinks, fromShortLength, fromSpot, height, Horizontal, isActionable, isPanelMain, layer, margin, maxSize, measuredBounds, minSize, mouseDragEnter, mouseDragLeave, mouseDrop, mouseEnter, mouseHold, mouseHover, mouseLeave, mouseOver, name, naturalBounds, None, opacity, panel, part, pickable, portId, position, row, rowSpan, scale, segmentFraction, segmentIndex, segmentOffset, segmentOrientation, shadowVisible, stretch, toEndSegmentLength, toLinkable, toLinkableDuplicates, toLinkableSelfNode, toMaxLinks, toolTip, toShortLength, toSpot, Uniform, UniformToFill, Vertical, visible, width
- Methods borrowed from class GraphObject:
- bind, copy, getDocumentAngle, getDocumentPoint, getDocumentScale, getLocalPoint, isContainedBy, isEnabledObject, isVisibleObject, setProperties