
Here is the mb.extruder!

You can have a direct link, a link with a panel, just a panel or a disabled voice.
It can be set on top or on left of your page; and if you have mor than one extruder (only on left) they are automatically positioned one behind the other.

The TOP extruder positionFixed param is set to false, so it scrolls with the page; the LEFT extruders positionFixed param is set to true (the default value), so they kip their position even when page scrolls.

You can disable or anable dinamically each voice of your extruder using the $.fn.disableExtruderVoice() or $.fn.enableExtruderVoice() methods.
You can open or close any extrude panel invoking: $.fn.closeMbExtruder() or $.fn.openMbExtruder() methods.

Try now:

disable second voice of mbExtruder Top enable second voice of mbExtruder Top open "Our network" close "Our network"

change left label

take a look at the documentation to see how simple is the configuration!
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