• not in vein
  • They explained a little about what they were doing ...
  • Sources

  • Main html file: dhtml/imgPress-canvas.html
    ge1doot mini library: /library/ge1doot.js
  • CSS

    html {
    	overflow: hidden;
    body {
    	position: absolute;
    	margin: 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	background: #fff;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
    #bkg {
    	position: absolute;
    	background: #000;
    	top: 10%;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 80%;
    #screen {
    	position: absolute;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
  • HTML

    <div id="bkg"></div>
    <canvas id="screen">HTML5 CANVAS gallery</canvas>
  • JS

    /* =======================================================
     *                  - not in vein -
     * script by Gerard Ferrandez - Ge-1-doot - January 2005
     * http://www.dhteumeuleu.com
     * last update: 1 June 2013 - HTML5 canvas version
     * ------------------------------------------------------
     * Javascript code released under the MIT license
     * http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/LICENSE.html
     * ======================================================= */
    "use strict";
    (function () {
    	// ---- private variables ----
    	var scr, ctx, pointer, nw, nh, sel, active,
    	    diapos  = [],
    	    size    = 0,
    	    nDiapos = 0,
    	    ZOOM    = 4,   // zoom factor
    	    speed   = .06; // animation speed
    	// ---- screen resize ----
    	var resize = function () {
    		nw = scr.width;
    		nh = scr.height;
    		size = (nw - 6 - ((nDiapos + 1) * 6)) / cLeft();
    		if (!active && sel) run();
    	var cLeft = function() {
    		var l = 0;
    		for (var k = 0; k < nDiapos; k++){
    			var o = diapos[k];
    			o.x0 = l;
    			o.sx = (o.prev) ? o.prev.x0 + o.prev.dim : 0;
    			l += o.dim;
    		return l;
    	// ---- diapo constructor ----
    	var Diapo = function (n, pic, s, x) {
    		this.n       = n;
    		this.dim     = s;
    		this.img     = new Image();
    		this.img.src = http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/not-in-vein/pic.src;
    		this.prev    = n > 0 ? diapos[n - 1] : false;
    		this.vz      = 0;
    		this.sx      = 0;
    		this.x0      = 0;
    		this.x1      = x * 2;
    		this.zo      = 0;
    		this.rImg    = 1;
    		this.l       = 0;
    		this.w       = 0;
    		this.t       = 0;
    		this.loaded  = false;
    		this.title   = pic.title;
    		this.text    = this.wrapText(pic.text, 250, 'normal', 16, 'sans-serif');
    	// ---- wrapText ----
    	Diapo.prototype.wrapText = function (text, maxWidth, fontStyle, lineHeight, font) {
    		var font = ctx.font = fontStyle + ' ' + lineHeight + 'px ' + font;
    		var lines = [];
    		var line = "";
    		var words = text.split(" ");
    		for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
    			var testLine = line + words[n] + " ";
    			var metrics = ctx.measureText(testLine);
    			var testWidth = metrics.width;
    			if (testWidth > maxWidth) {
    				line = words[n] + " ";
    			} else {
    				line = testLine;
    		return {
    			font: font,
    			lineHeight: lineHeight,
    			lines: lines,
    			draw: function (x, y) {
    				ctx.font = this.font;
    				for (var i = 0, l = this.lines.length; i < l; i++) {
    					ctx.fillText(this.lines[i], x, y);
    					y += this.lineHeight;
    	// ---- draw text ----
    	Diapo.prototype.drawText = function (x, y, text) {
    		ctx.font = text.font;
    		for (var i = 0, l = text.lines.length; i < l; i++) {
    			ctx.fillText(text.lines[i], x, y);
    			y += text.lineHeight;
    	// ---- draw diapo ----
    	Diapo.prototype.draw = function () {
    		if (this.loaded) {
    			// ---- compute positions ----
    			var x = this.x1 - this.sx;
    			this.vz  = speed * (this.vz + x);
    			if (Math.abs(x) > 0.001) active = true;
    			this.x1 -= this.vz;
    			this.zo -= (this.zo - (this.dim * this.rImg)) * speed;
    			this.l   = (this.x1 * size) + 6 * (this.n + 1);
    			this.w   = this.zo * size;
    			this.t   = (nh * 0.5) - this.w * 0.5;
    			// ---- define path ----
    			ctx.moveTo(this.l, this.t);
    			ctx.lineTo(this.l + this.w / this.rImg, this.t);
    			ctx.lineTo(this.l + this.w / this.rImg, this.t + this.w);
    			ctx.lineTo(this.l, this.t + this.w);
    			// ---- draw image ----
    			ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.l, this.t, this.w / this.rImg, this.w);
    			// ---- pointer over ----
    			if (ctx.isPointInPath(pointer.X, pointer.Y)) {
    				if (this != sel){
    					sel.dim = 1 / sel.rImg;
    					this.dim = ZOOM;
    					sel = this;
    					active = true;
    		} else {
    			// ---- loading image ----
    			active = true;
    			if (this.img.complete) {
    				this.loaded = true;
    				this.rImg = this.img.height / this.img.width;
    				this.dim = (sel.n === this.n) ? ZOOM : 1 / this.rImg;
    	// ---- text ----
    	Diapo.prototype.drawText = function () {
    		if (this.loaded) {
    			ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
    			var y = (this.w * this.rImg) * 0.2;
    			if (this.n < nDiapos * 0.5) {
    				ctx.textAlign = 'left';
    				var x = this.l + this.w / this.rImg + 6;
    				// ---- wrap text ----
    				this.text.draw(x, (nh * 0.5) - y);
    				// ---- title ----
    				ctx.font = "bold 48px sans-serif";
    				ctx.fillText(this.title, x, (nh * 0.5) + y);
    			} else {
    				ctx.textAlign = 'right';
    				var x = this.l - 6;
    				// ---- wrap text ----
    				this.text.draw(x, (nh * 0.5) - y);
    				// ---- title ----
    				ctx.font = "bold 48px sans-serif";
    				ctx.fillText(this.title, x, (nh * 0.5) + y);
    	//---- init script ----
    	var init = function (data) {
    		scr = new ge1doot.Screen({
    			container: "screen",
    			resize: function () {
    		ctx = scr.ctx;
    		// ---- create diapos ----
    		nDiapos  = data.pics.length;
    		var s = ZOOM;
    		var x = 0;
    		for (var i = 0; i < nDiapos; i++) {
    				new Diapo(i, data.pics[i], s, x)
    			x += s;
    			s = 1;
    		// ---- pointer events ----
    		pointer = new ge1doot.Pointer({
    			tap: function () {
    				if (!active && sel) run();
    			move: function () {
    				if (!active && sel) run();
    		// ---- start ----
    		setTimeout(function () {
    			sel = diapos[0];
    		}, 500);
    	// ======== main loop ========
    	var run = function () {
    		// ---- clear screen ----
    		ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scr.width, scr.height);
    		// ---- draw diapos ----
    		active = false;
    		for (
    			var k = 0;
    			k < nDiapos;
    		// ---- draw text ----
    		// ---- next frame ----
    		if (active) requestAnimFrame(run);
    	return {
    		// ---- onload event ----
    		load : function (data) {
    			window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    			}, false);
    	pics: [
    		{src: "../images/newborn.jpg",     title: "explain",     text: "They explained a little about what they were doing."},
    		{src: "../images/majesty.jpg",     title: "strain",      text: "I hoped I wouldn't crack under the strain."},
    		{src: "../images/whitemagic.jpg",  title: "retain",      text: "Clearly they were ready to do almost anything to retain their position."},
    		{src: "../images/gazebo2k3.jpg",   title: "mundane",     text: "I observed the face of power at its most mundane."},
    		{src: "../images/pyre.jpg",        title: "inhumane",    text: "But they couldn't hide the very worst of their inhumane undertakings from the people."},
    		{src: "../images/singularity.jpg", title: "disdain",     text: "They showed their utter, complete disdain for justice."},
    		{src: "../images/spellcraft.jpg",  title: "never again", text: "Never more. Never again."}
    © www.dhteumeuleu.com 2004-2015