• mona lisa
  • It's a work of art I ain't talkin mona lisa.
  • Sources

  • Main html file: dhtml/fractal-paint.html
    ge1doot mini library: /library/ge1doot.js
  • CSS

    html {
    	overflow: hidden;
    	-ms-touch-action: none;
    	-ms-content-zooming: none;
    body {
    	position: absolute;
    	margin: 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	background: #000;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
    #screen {
    	position: absolute;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
    #source {
    	visibility: hidden;
  • HTML

    <canvas id="screen">HTML5 CANVAS Fractal painting</canvas>
    <img id="source" src="../images/Monalisa.jpg" alt="">
  • JS

    /* =======================================================
     *  ---- HTML5 CANVAS fractal painting ----
     * script: Gerard Ferrandez - 6 April 2013
     * Released under the MIT license
     * http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/LICENSE.html
     * ======================================================= */
    "use strict";
    (function () {
    	var scr, ctx, pointer, imgdata, root = {}, W, H;
    	// ==== init script ====
    	var init = function () {
    		// ---- screen ----
    		scr = new ge1doot.Screen({
    			container: "screen",
    			resize: function () {
    				// ---- resize ----
    				W = ic.width  = scr.width;
    				H = ic.height = scr.height;
    				// ---- image data ----
    				var ict = ic.getContext('2d');
    				ict.drawImage(img, 0, 0, W, H);
    				imgdata = ict.getImageData(0, 0, W, H).data;
    				// ---- split root ----
    				root = {};
    				div (root, 0, 0, W, H);
    		ctx = scr.ctx;
    		// ---- pointer events ----
    		pointer = new ge1doot.Pointer({
    			move: function () {
    				paint(root, pointer.X, pointer.Y);
    			tap: function () {
    				paint(root, pointer.X, pointer.Y);
    		// ---- original image ----
    		var img = document.getElementById("source");
    		var ic = document.createElement('canvas');
    	// ==== divide ====
    	var div = function (o, x, y, w, h) {
    		// ---- clear background ----
    		if (w > 12) {
    			ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
    			ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
    		// ---- split area ----
    		w = w * 0.5;
    		h = h * 0.5;
    		o.children = [];
    		o.children[0] = new Pix(x, y, w, h);
    		o.children[1] = new Pix(x + w, y, w, h);
    		o.children[2] = new Pix(x, y + h, w, h);
    		o.children[3] = new Pix(x + w, y + h, w, h);
    	// ==== pixel constructor ====
    	var Pix = function (x, y, w, h) {
    		// ---- coordinates ----
    		this.x = x;
    		this.y = y;
    		this.w = w;
    		this.h = h;
    		// ---- read color from image data ----
    		var cx = Math.round(x + w * 0.5);
    		var cy = Math.round(y + h * 0.5);
    		var r = imgdata[((W * cy) + cx) * 4];
    		var g = imgdata[((W * cy) + cx) * 4 + 1];
    		var b = imgdata[((W * cy) + cx) * 4 + 2];
    		// ---- set painting color ----
    		ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
    		if (Math.max(w, h) > 6) {
    			// ---- oval ----
    			if (w > h) {
    				// ---- paysage ----
    				ctx.scale(1, h / w);
    				ctx.arc(cx, cy * w / h, Math.max(w * 0.5, h * 0.5), 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    			} else {
    				// ---- portrait ----
    				ctx.scale(w / h, 1);
    				ctx.arc(cx * h / w, cy, Math.max(w * 0.5, h * 0.5), 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    		} else {
    			// ---- pixel ----
    			ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
    	// ==== recursive paint ====
    	var paint = function (o, x, y) {
    		for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    			var oc = o.children[i];
    			// ---- pointer inside ----
    			if (
    				x >= oc.x && x <= oc.x + oc.w &&
    				y >= oc.y && y <= oc.y + oc.h
    			) {
    				// ---- next node ----
    				if (oc.children) paint(oc, x, y);
    				// ---- divide leaf ----
    				else if (oc.w > 1 || oc.h > 1) {
    					div (oc, oc.x, oc.y, oc.w, oc.h);
    	return {
    		// ---- onload event ----
    		load : function () {
    			window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    			}, false);
    © www.dhteumeuleu.com 2004-2015