• he knew
  • We met again, years later. No explanation needed; he knew my works, he knew how to read through them ...
  • Sources

  • Main html file: dhtml/VG-canvas.html
    ge1doot mini library: /library/ge1doot.js
  • CSS

    html {
    	overflow: hidden;
    body {
    	position: absolute;
    	margin: 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	background: #000;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
    #screen {
    	position: absolute;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
  • HTML

    <canvas id="screen">HTML5 CANVAS virtual 3D gallery</canvas>
  • JS

    /* =======================================================
     *             __|     _ |     |           |  
     *            (_ |  -_)  |  _` |  _ \  _ \  _|
     *           \___|\___| _|\__,_|\___/\___/\__|
     * -----------------------------------------------------
     *               - virtual 3D gallery -
     * script by Gerard Ferrandez - Ge-1-doot - October 2004
     * http://www.dhteumeuleu.com
     * last update: 26 May 2013 - HTML5 canvas version
     * ------------------------------------------------------
     * Javascript code released under the MIT license
     * http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/LICENSE.html
     * ======================================================= */
    "use strict";
    (function () {
    	var scr, ctx, pointer, walls, pics, over, nw, nh,
    	// ---- def camera ----
    	camera = {
    		x: 0,
    		y: 10000,
    		z: 11100,
    		zeye: -100, 
    		hm: 20,
    		visible: true,
    		project: function (z) {
    			z += this.z;
    			var scale = this.zeye - z;
    			if (scale > 0) scale = -.0001;
    			scale = this.zeye / scale;
    			if (scale > 100) scale = 100;
    			this.visible = (z > this.zeye * .99);
    			return scale;
    		move: function (x, y, z) {
    			this.x += (x - this.x) * 0.1;
    			this.y += (y - this.y) * 0.1;
    			this.z += (z - this.z) * 0.1;
    	// ---- screen resize ----
    	var resize = function () {
    		nw = scr.width  * 0.5;
    		nh = scr.height * 0.5;
    	//---- init script ----
    	var init = function (data) {
    		scr = new ge1doot.Screen({
    			container: "screen",
    			resize: function () {
    		ctx = scr.ctx;
    		// ---- pointer events ----
    		pointer = new ge1doot.Pointer({
    			tap: function () {
    				if (over) {
    					if (over.focus) {
    						if (over.href) {
    							// ---- hyperlink ----
    							window.location.href = over.href;
    						} else {
    							camera.hm = -100 - over.z * 100;
    							over.focus = false;
    					} else {
    						// ---- move camera ----
    						camera.hm = -80 - over.z * 100;
    						pointer.bXi = pointer.Xi = (-over.x * 100) - (over.w * 50);
    						pointer.bYi = pointer.Yi = ( over.y * 100) + (over.h * 50);
    						over.focus = true;
    			scale: function () {
    				camera.hm -= pointer.scale * 20;
    			wheel: function () {
    				camera.hm -= pointer.wheelDelta;
    		// ---- create images ----
    		walls = data.walls;
    		pics = data.pics;
    		var i = 0, p;
    		while ( p = pics[i++] ) {
    			p.img = new Image();
    			p.img.src = p.src;
    		// ---- start animation ----
    	// ======== main loop ========
    	var run = function () {
    		ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scr.width, scr.height);
    		// ---- cap position -----
    		camera.hm = Math.min(Math.max(camera.hm, -250), 200);
    		pointer.Xi = Math.min(Math.max(pointer.Xi, -250), 250);
    		pointer.Yi = Math.min(Math.max(pointer.Yi, -110), 110);
    		// ---- easing camera ---- 
    		camera.move(pointer.Xi, -pointer.Yi, camera.hm);
    		// ---- draw walls ----
    		ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
    		var i = 0, w;
    		while ( w = walls[i++] ) {
    			for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
    				var z0 = camera.project(w.z[j] * 100);
    					nw + (camera.x + w.x[j] * 100) * z0,
    					nh + (camera.y + w.y[j] * 100) * z0
    		// ---- draw images ----
    		over = false;
    		ctx.font = 'normal 10px sans-serif';
    		ctx.textAlign = 'center';
    		ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
    		ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)";
    		var i = 0, p;
    		while ( p = pics[i++] ) {
    			// ---- 3D to 2D projection ----
    			var scale = camera.project(p.z * 100);
    			if (camera.visible) {
    				var x = (camera.x + (p.x * 100)) * scale,
    					y = (camera.y + (p.y * 100)) * scale,
    					w = p.w * scale * 100,
    					h = p.h * scale * 100;
    				// ---- draw transparent frame ----
    				ctx.moveTo(nw + x, nh + y);
    				ctx.lineTo(nw + x + w, nh + y);
    				ctx.lineTo(nw + x + w, nh + y + h);
    				ctx.lineTo(nw + x, nh + y + h);
    				// ---- pointer over ----
    				if (ctx.isPointInPath(pointer.X, pointer.Y)) over = p;
    				// ---- draw image ----
    				ctx.drawImage(p.img, nw + x + (15 * scale), nh + y + (15 * scale), w - (30 * scale), h - (30 * scale));
    				// ---- draw text ----
    				ctx.fillStyle = '#aaa';
    				ctx.translate(nw + (p.w * scale * 50) + x, nh + (scale * 12) + y);
    				ctx.scale(scale, scale);
    				ctx.fillText(p.title, 0, 0);
    		// ---- cursor ----
    		scr.setCursor(over ? "pointer" : "default");
    		// ---- animation loop ----
    	return {
    		// ---- onload event ----
    		load : function (data) {
    			window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    			}, false);
    	walls: [
    		{x:[-2.52,-2.52,-2.52,-2.52], y:[-1,-1,1,1], z:[-1,1,1,-1]},
    		{x:[-2.5,2.5,2.5,-2.5],       y:[-1,-1,1,1], z:[1,1,1,1]},
    		{x:[2.52,2.52,2.52,2.52],     y:[-1,-1,1,1], z:[1,-0.5,-0.5,1]}
    	pics: [
    		{x:-1,   y:-0.7, z:0.8,  w:2,   h:1.4,  src:"../images/3D-eyes-big.jpg", title:"befriending death", href:"http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/index/"},
    		{x:-1.8, y:-0.3, z:0.4,  w:1.8, h:1.2,  src:"../images/pr02.jpg",        title:"gathering strength"},
    		{x:1,    y:-.6,  z:0.2,  w:1.2, h:0.9,  src:"../images/pr01.jpg",        title:"world at myfingertips"},
    		{x:-1,   y:-0.8, z:0,    w:1.2, h:1.6,  src:"../images/pr03.jpg",        title:"hailing the Sun"},
    		{x:0.5,  y:-1,   z:-0.4, w:1.5, h:2,    src:"../images/pr07.jpg",        title:"I said, all right."},
    		{x:-2,   y:-1,   z:-0.8, w:1.5, h:2,    src:"../images/pr04.jpg",        title:"One morning"}
    © www.dhteumeuleu.com 2004-2015